田中重人 (東北大学文学部准教授)
専門家による審査 (peer review) がある場合、通常の審査手続きはつぎのようになる:
Peer Review 制雑誌は権威が高い。また、形式面でのチェックもきちんとかかっていることが多い。この制度を持つことが「学術雑誌」の要件のひとつとみなされていることが多い。
一方で、公刊された資料を利用する場合、その資料を「1次」(primary)、「2次」(secondary)、「3次」(tertiary) 等に分類することもある:
Primary sources are original materials that are close to an event, and are often accounts written by people who are directly involved. ......An account of a traffic incident written by a witness is a primary source of information about the event; similarly, a scientific paper documenting a new experiment conducted by the author is a primary source on the outcome of that experiment. Historical documents such as diaries are primary sources.......
A secondary source provides an author's own thinking based on primary sources, generally at least one step removed from an event. It contains an author's analysis, evaluation, interpretation, or synthesis of the facts, evidence, concepts, and ideas taken from primary sources. ...... They rely on primary sources for their material, making analytic or evaluative claims about them. ...... a review article that analyzes research papers in a field is a secondary source for the research. ...... A book by a military historian about the Second World War might be a secondary source about the war, but where it includes details of the author's own war experiences, it would be a primary source about those experiences. A book review too can be an opinion, summary or scholarly review......
Tertiary sources are publications such as encyclopedias and other compendia that summarize primary and secondary sources. ...... Many introductory undergraduate-level textbooks are regarded as tertiary sources because they sum up multiple secondary sources
(Wikipedia 2019)
この分類の場合、 公刊された資料の範囲で 議論の根拠をどこまでさかのぼれるか、が問題である。
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