ReMCat (REsearch Material CATalogue) is a database of literature that Tanaka Sigeto has collected since 2000. Main coverage is gender inequality, occupational career, family law, and time use in Japan. (For data collected before 1999, see Bibliography on Sexual Division of Labor.)
Over 4,000 titles have been collected (see Full List for the current contents). Most of which are books and journal articles.
Each record is in the following format:
{Address} Author. "Article Title". Journal/Book Title. Volume(Number): Pages. Publisher. Standard Numbers. Language. || Information in other languages.
For most records, {Address} indicates {Year:StandardNumber:Volume:Page} (for instance, "{2004:13467182:53:152}"). The first four digits thus tell the publication year ("2004" for the instance above). Special numbers for the publication year are the following:
Abbreviations for the "Author" field:
Some titles and publishers have following notes in parentheses.
"Standard Numbers" are the following. Some numbers have hyperlinks to library etc.
Note that those hyperlinks are automatically generated, so that the destination may not exist.
Some records have such additional information as keywords, comments, quotation, and hyperlinks to abstract, full-text, table of contents, or related sites:
Records are listed in order of the publication year (from newest to oldest).
Each record is recorded in a "unit" HTML file. You can trace them via the full information HTML file or list of all unit files. Each "unit" file contains the same information as the full list.
Some records contain quotations from or comments to the literature. If quotations or comments are long, they are stored in separate "quotation" HTML files, which you can trace via the full list. comment.html contains a list of records with any comment or quotation.
A original search servie is available on Tanaka's own domain:
Two other search functions are available: powered by Researchmap and by Google.
The Researchmap database is no longer updated after 2014-04-20. It includes only the bibliographical information: that is, it excludes additional comments and quatations.
Google search targets the "unit" and "quotation" files, but is does not cover all of the files. Your search results will exclude some files.
See explanation in my Japanese blog article on
Newly collected information may be clipped on Hatena and Twitter services:
Added or modified entries in ReMCat files are listed on newfile.html.
Tohoku University / Faculty of Arts and Letters / Applied Japanese Linguistics / TANAKA Sigeto / ReMCat
Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2013, 2014 TANAKA Sigeto
Address: of this page: