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田中 重人 (東北大学文学研究科 准教授) 2019-04-14

注記: 文学研究科は2019年4月に組織の大幅な改編をおこないました。これにともない、田中は新設の「現代日本学」専攻分野の教員として、 高橋章則教授 (近世の日本文化・文芸・思想)、 Christopher Craig 准教授 (近代日本の地域史) とともに学生指導を担当することになります。


大卒以上 (見込みを含む) の方は、「研究生」として東北大学に在学することができます (半年から2年)。研究生になるには入学試験はありません。ただし、入学後の指導を担当する教員の同意が必要です。




送り先: http://tsigeto.info/officej.html 参照

お送りいただいた論文で研究能力を確認したあと、履歴書、成績証明書、研究計画書などをお送りいただくことがあります。また、オンライン(Skype など) で面接をおこなう可能性があります。




参考 (東北大学文学研究科による情報)

To become a non-degree research student

TANAKA Sigeto (associate professor at School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University) 2018-11-14

Note: School of Arts and Letters restructured its organization in April 2019. According to the restructuring plan, Tanaka moved to a new department, "Innovative Japanese Studies", with two other professors: Professor Takahashi Akinori (on culture and thought in early-modern Japan) and Associate Professor Christopher Craig (on regional history in modern Japan).

What is "research student?"

Tohoku University offers an opportunity to conduct research in the university as a non-degree student called "research student" (or "kenkyuusei" in Japanese). The opportunity is open to those who have graduated (or are scheduled to graduate) a university/college or are at an equivalent academic level. A research student may spend 6-24 months to conduct research or to prepare for studies in the graduate schools of Tohoku University. There is no formal entrance examination for non-degree student, but an applicant should obtain agreement from the professor who will be in charge of supervision of his/her research in Tohoku University.


To become a research student under my supervision, please send at least one paper you wrote. This is for the first screening to estimate your skills and readiness for research.

PDF is the preferred format.

See http://tsigeto.info/office.html about the address to send your papers.

If you pass the first screening, you will be required to send a CV, documents on your academic performance, and your research plan. We will probablly have an opportunity to communicate online (via Skype etc.) to confirm your oral communication skills.


The whole screening process may take more than two month. Application is always open, but the timing of the entrance is limited to twice a year: April 1 or October 1. Please keep in mind that there will be occasions in which you spend a long time to obtain visa.

Also see

Information on School of Arts and Letters website

Tohoku University / Faculty of Arts and Letters / TANAKA Sigeto

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