[English] [田中のホーム] [研究成果一覧]
Reconciling Work and Family
issues and policies in Japan
阿部 正浩 + 濱本 知寿香 + 田中 重人
(獨協大学; 大東文化大学; 東北大学)
Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 5.
Published by International Labour Office (2003).
ISBN 92-2-114265-5 (softcover); 92-2-114266-3 (PDF)
Conditions of Work and Employment Programme
I. Introduction and context
- Outline
- The socio-economic context
- The general economic context
- The bursting of the bubble economy
- Economic globalization
- The influence of information and communications technology
- The ageing population
- The employment context
- The employment context in the 1990s
- The rising unemployment rate
- Changes in the external and internal labour markets
- Administrative reform and privatization
- Poverty level
- The economic context of fatherless households
- Employment context of fatherless households
- Education
- Industrial relations
- Labour law
II. Family trends: The implications for work of changing family needs
- Trends in the family and family responsibilities
- Concepts related to "family" in administrative terms
- Life cycle
- Household composition
- Industry and employment
- Distance between home and workplace
- Use of time
- Implications of trends for the capacity of workers to meet their family and work responsibilities
- Decline of home-based business
- Less support by grandparents
- Emergence of nursing-care needs
- Inefficiency due to the male-exemption rule
- What kind of family are in the greatest need of support
III. Working conditions and family support measures: Their impact on family
- Time-related family support
- Working hours: Facts and policies
- Working hours and private life for men and women
- The Child-care Leave Law and its effects
- Family-care leave and nursing care insurance
- The Japanese government's plan of action
- Employment arrangements
- Changes in numbers of self-employed and family-employed workers
- Estimated number of teleworkers
- Telework employment conditions
- Welfare facilities and financial compensation for the cost of family responsibilities
- Developing measures in Japan to assist family responsibilities
- Financial compensation
- Child-care services
IV. What is missing? The gap between work-family needs and work-family support
- The value given to work-family support by employers and workers
- The impact of work-family support on work and on families
- Core workers
- Non-core workers
- Female professionals
- Local divergence
- Implications
- Filling the work-family gaps: Effective sharing of support
- Recent debates on work-family support
- "Who" (family, company, community or government) would be most effective in bearing the burden and how the different measures are linked
IV. Overview of the major issues
- Work-family implications of the lifecycle from a family perspective
- Implications of the changing nature of work on the family
- Efficiency and effectiveness in achieving a work-family balance
- Gender impact of work-family measures
- Work-family measures and the poverty of families
V. Summary and conclusions
- Summary
- Recommendations
- Increased efforts towards further reduction of working hours
- Rapid elimination of the wage gap between men and women
- Quick resolution of various issues concerning part-time workers
- Efforts to heighten public awareness of work-family policies
- Comprehensive measures to assist economically disadvantaged families
- Spurring on economic growth with a view to lowering the unemployment rate
Copyright (c) 2004 TANAKA Sigeto
E-mail: tsigeto(AT)nik.sal.tohoku.ac.jp
History of this page:
- 2004-08-10:Created
- 2004-08-10:Minor corrections
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