{1998:0866381872} Karen Oppenheim Mason + Noriko O. Tsuya + Minja Kim Choe. The changing family in comparative perspective: Asia and the United States. East-West Center. ISBN=0866381872; NCID=BA39088455. Lang=ENG. || 津谷 典子.
Chapter (pp. 83-104): Noriko O. Tsuya + Larry L. Bumpass. "Allocation between Employment and Housework in Japan, South Korea, and the United States". Lang=ENG. || 津谷 典子.
Keywords: time-use || 生活時間
Comment: including analysis on the impact of men's labor time on their share in housework || 男性の労働時間が家事分担に及ぼす影響の分析あり