{2001:4589025248} 日本社会保障法学会. 講座社会保障法4: 医療保障法・介護保障法. 法律文化社. ISBN=4589025248. Lang=JPN. || Japan Association of Social Security Law. Series on social security law vol. 4: medical services law / long-term care services law.

Part 1, Chapter 4-1 (pp. 96-119): 山本 忠. "医療保障と平等: 高齢者医療を中心に". Lang=JPN. || YAMAMOTO Tadashi. "Medical services and equality: equality and medical services for the aged".

Part 1, Chapter 4-2 (pp. 120-140): 高田 清恵. "医療保障と平等: 国籍、貧困、地域による不平等を中心に". Lang=JPN. || TAKATA Kiyoe. "Principle of equality in medical services law: inequalities based on nationality, poverty and region".

Part 2, Chapter 4 (pp. 219-243): 山脇 貞司. "介護保障と家族". Lang=JPN. || YAMAWAKI Sadashi. "Support of care services and role of the family".
