{2002:02667215:18:217} Peter Robert + Erzsebet Bukodi. "Dual Career Pathways: The occupational attainment of married couples in Hungary". European sociological review 18[=18(2)]: 217-232. ISSN=02667215; NCID=AA10447445. Lang=ENG. - URL (Publisher): http://esr.oupjournals.org/
- URL (Table of Contents): http://esr.oxfordjournals.org
- Keywords: event-history analysis || 生存時間分析
- Content: Discrete-time model on occupational upward/downward mobility (defined as +5 or -5 change in ISEI point).
- Data: 5472 couples (first marriage, wife under 55 and husband under 60) from the Hungarian Social-Mobility and Life-History Survey, 1992. Including retrospective data for detailed occupational history on each individual.