{2002:1840648619} ed.=Hugh Mosley + Jacqueline O'Reilly + Klaus Schomann. Labour markets, gender and institutional change: essays in honour of Gunther Schmid. ISBN=1840648619; NCID=BA56577571; *. Lang=ENG.

Chapter 5 (pp. 88-110): Birgitta Rabe. "Implementation structures for cooperative labour market policy: a bargaining theory approach". Lang=ENG.

Chapter 6 (pp. 111-135): Jill Rubery. "Gender mainstreaming and European policy". Lang=ENG.

Chapter 7 (pp. 136-165): Eileen Appelbaum + Thomas Bailey + Peter Berg + Arne L. Kalleberg. "Shared work/valued care : new norms for organizing market work and unpaid care work". Lang=ENG.

Chapter 9 (pp. 185-): Siv Gustafsson + Eiko Kenjoh + Cecile Wetzels. "The labour force transition of first-time mothers in Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden". Lang=ENG.
