{2003:0415296943} ed.=Antonella Picchio. Unpaid work and the economy: a gender analysis of the standards of living. ISBN=0415296943; NCID=BA62654418. Lang=ENG.

Chapter 1 (pp. 11-28): Antonella Picchio. "A macroeconomic approach to an extended standard of living". Lang=ENG.

Chapter 2 (pp. 29-58): Tindara Addabbo. "Unpaid work by gender in Italy". Lang=ENG.

Chapter 3 (pp. 59-102): Tindara Addabbo + Antonella Caiumi. "Extended income estimation and income inequality by gender". Lang=ENG.

Chapter 4 (pp. 103-121): Antonella Caiumi. "Unpaid work and household living standards: equuivalence scale estimation and intra-family disttibution of resources". Lang=ENG.

Chapter 5 (pp. 122-156): Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti. "Unpaid work and household well-being: a non-monetary assessment". Lang=ENG.

Chapter 9 (pp. 224-248): Tindara Addabbo + Massimo Baldini. "The gender impact of workfare policies in Italy and the effect of unpaid work". Lang=ENG.
