ID number is in bracket (e.g.,
[96a]) at the beginning of each entry.
You can use short URLs like to access information for each work.
- [96a] Soshioroji, 126: 69-85, 132. (May 1996)
- Occupational Structure and Continuity of Women's Work-Force Participation: a cohort analysis on the tendency to quit on marriage and childbirth
- [96b] Japanese Journal of Family Sociology. 8: 151-161, 208. (July 1996)
- The Changing Sexual Division of Labor in Postwar Japan: the double barrier against employment of women
[JPN full-text]
- [97a] Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University. 23: 167-183.
(Mar. 1997)
- Boolean Analysis with Multi-value Variables as Independent Variables
(with TAROHMARU Hiroshi)
- [97b] Japanese Sociological Review, 48: 130-142. (Sep. 1997)
- Higher Education and the Sexual Division of Labor: The Schooling Effect on Women's Continuous Full-time Employment
- [98a] 1995 SSM Research Series. 3: 85-122.
(Mar. 1998)
- Dynamics of Occupational Segregation and the Sexual Division of Labor: a consequence of feminization of white-collar work
[ENG full-text PDF]
- [98b] 1995 SSM Research Series. 12: 1-16.
(Mar. 1998)
- Higher Education and the Sexual Division of Labor: the schooling effect on women's continuous full-time employment
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [99a] Kikan Kakei Keizai Kenkyuu. 41: 64-70. (Jan. 1999)
- The Postponement of Marriage and the Gender Gap in Attitudes: reanalyzing the "women's life course" question in the unmarried respondents' part of the 10th Japanese National Fertility Survey (with AKIYAMA Tetsuya)
- [99b] Sociological Theory and Methods. 14: 19-34. (Mar. 1999)
- The Rational Household Theory Examined: Does equalization in wages change the sexual division of labor?
- [99d] Doctoral Dissertation, Osaka University. (Oct. 1999)
- An Analysis of the Sexual Division of Labor: current realities and prospects for change
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [00a] Stratification System in Japan. 4: 93-110 (June 2000) ISBN 4-13-055124-8.
- * What Has Perpetuated the Sexual Division of Labor: assessing the suburbanism explanation.
[JPN data for verification]
- [01a] Annals of Human Sciences. 22: 17-31 (Mar. 2001)
- A Cross-National Comparison of the Gender Gap in Time Use: reanalyzing data from Japan and six Western societies.
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [01b] NFR98 Report. 2 (4): 155-179. (June 2001)
- Invalid Answers
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [01c] Japanese Journal of Labour Studies. 493: 4-14, 78. (Aug. 2001)
- Housekeepers' Capacity as a Supply of Labor: estimation from the distribution of housework time
[JPN full-text and errata; ENG data for verification]
- [03a] Kikan Kakei Keizai Kenkyuu. 60: 48-56 (2003)
- Practicable Gender-Equal Society: a policy assessment based on time-use data
[JPN full-text]
- [03b] ILO Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 5 (2003)
- Reconciling Work and Family: issues and policies in Japan
(with ABE Masahiro + HAMAMOTO Chizuka)
[ENG full-text PDF]
- [04a] Structure and change in contemporary Japanese families . pp. 25-37. (Jan. 2004)
- Invalid Answers
- [04b] Annual Reports of Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University. 53: 152-137 (Mar. 2004)
- A Cross-National Comparison of the Gender Gap in Time-Use: reanalyzing data from Japan and six Western countries.
[ENG full-text PDF]
- [04c] Gender Law and Policy Annual Review. 1: 25-48 (June 2004)
- Principal Earner and Accommodator in Household: an illustration of gender stratification process in contemporary Japan.
[ENG full-text PDF]
- [04d] Tohoku University 21th Century COE Program Kenkyuu nenpou. 1: 31-43. (June 2004)
- * [Principal Earner and Accommodator in Household: an illustration of gender stratification process in contemporary Japan].
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [05a] Report of Investigation in the north europe (Sendai Gender Equal Opportunity Foundation), pp. 45-55. (Mar. 2005)
- Gender Equal Policies in Norway and Finland
- [05b] KAKENHI 14310077 result report, pp. 25-38. (Mar. 2005)
- Development of the Web-Based Data-Collection System
- [07a] Tohoku University COE Book Series. 9: 217-238. (May 2007)
- Gender Inequality and Equal Policies: a systematic criticism using the framework of stratification theory.
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [08a] The Japanese Economy. 34(4): 57-75. (Jan. 2008)
- Housekeepers' Capacity as a Supply of Labor. (translated by Stacey JEHLIK)
- [08b] Tohoku University COE Book Series. 12: 283-301. (Jan. 2008)
- Toward a Lifestyle-Neutral Gender-Equal Policy: Are work-family reconciliation policies justifiable?.
[JPN full-text PDF] [ENG translation PDF]
- [08c] 2005 SSM Research Series. 9: 21-33. (Mar. 2008)
- Career, Family, and Economic Risks: a quantitative analysis of gender gap in post-divorce life
[ENG full-text PDF]
- [08d] 2005 SSM Research Series. 12: 21-45. (Mar. 2008)
- Development of Modules for Data Reduction: for efficient analysis of occupational history
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [09a] Family Patterns in Contemporary Japan, pp. 93-102. (Feb. 2009)
- [Death of the parents]
- [09b] Japanese Journal of Family Sociology. 21: 208-213. (Oct. 2009)
- NFRJ08 Sampling and Survey Implementation
- [10a] Zyendâ byoudou to tabunka kyousei, pp. 99-118. (Mar. 2010)
- * [The family and women's economic disadvantage: a micro-macro problem for distributive justice]
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [10b] Gender Equality in Multicultural Societies, pp. 215-234. (Mar. 2010)
- The Family and Women's Economic Disadvantage: a micro-macro problem for distributive justice
[ENG full-text PDF]
- [10c] NFRJ08 first report, pp. 21-30. (Apr. 2010)
- [Sampling Scheme and Demographic Characteristics of the Data]
[Link for JPN full-text PDF]
- [11a] NFRJ08 second report, Vol. 1, pp. 143-163. (Sep. 2011)
- The Economic Situation of Those Who Have Experienced Divorce: the gender gap in equivalent household income
[Link for ENG full-text PDF]
- [13a] [Case studies on poverty and economic difficulties suffered by women in Sendai], pp. 53-72. (Mar. 2013)
- * [Results of secondary analysis of Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions 2007]
- [13b] A Quantitative Picture of Contemporary Japanese Families, pp. iv-x. (Mar. 2013)
- Preface
- [13c] A Quantitative Picture of Contemporary Japanese Families, pp. 195-234. (Mar. 2013)
- Women, work, and family issues (with Suzuki Fumiko)
- [13d] A Quantitative Picture of Contemporary Japanese Families, pp. 321-350. (Mar. 2013)
- Gender gap in equivalent household income after divorce
- [14a] NFRJ-08Panel report, pp. 24-26. (Mar. 2014)
- [Survey Responses]
- [14b] Japanese Journal of Family Sociology. 26: 165-168. (Oct. 2014).
- Survey Responses for NFRJ-08Panel, Waves 1-5
- [16a] Seikatu Keizai Seisaku. 230: 13-18. (Mar. 2016).
- * Politically Misused Knowledge on Pregnancy and Childbirth: science for propaganda?
- [16b] Families in Japan, 1999-2009. 361-364. (June 2016).
- * [Outline of NFRJ]
- [17a] Annual Reports of Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University. 66: 142-128. (Mar. 2017)
- Works Citing Bendel and Hua on Natural Fecundability: a literature review on the origin of a falsified chart used in high school education in Japan
[ENG full-text PDF]
- [17b] ed.= NISHIYAMA Chieko + TSUGE Azumi. Monkasyou/koukou "ninkatu" kyouzai no uso. Ronsosha, pp. 135-159. (May 2017)
- * [Do Japanese have a low level of knowledge about pregnancy and childbirth?]
- [17c] Trends in the Sciences. 22(8). (Aug. 2017)
- * Professional Responsibility for Spreading Unscientific Knowledge: the case of the "ease of conception" graph in a high school supplementary textbook
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [17d] Advances in Gender Research 24. (Oct. 2017)
- Another Science War: fictitious evidence on women's fertility and the "egg aging" panic in 2010s Japan
[ENG full-text PDF for sale; Free author manuscript]
- [19a] Annual Reports of Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University 68. (Mar. 2019)
- Data Scandal in the 2018 Labor Law Reform Debate in Japan: a review of literature on a series of governmental surveys on working hours.
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [20a] Annual Reports of Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University 69. (Mar. 2020)
- Problems with the Japanese Monthly Labour Survey.
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [20b] Sekai 934. (June 2020)
- *[Verifying the "Japan model" of COVID-19 response: its hidden dogmatism].
- [21a] Annual Reports of Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University 70. (Mar. 2021)
- The Emergence and Modification of the Concept of '(Overlapping) Three Cs': A Problem in Public Communication in Japan's Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Response.
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [21b] [NFRJ18 second report]. 1: 143-155. (Sep. 2021)
- Economic Gender Gaps in Post-Divorce Life: Determinants and Trends
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [22a] [Handbook for Japanese Studies], pp. 177-198. (Mar. 2022)
- *[Changes in the family and the livelihood security system]
- [23a] Bunka 86(3/4). (Mar. 2023)
- Equivocality of the term "cluster" in Japan's COVID-19 response: Changes in 2020.
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [24a] Annual Reports of Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University 73. (Mar. 2024)
- The statistics community and the misconduct issue for Japanese official statistics: How the government, experts, and non-experts responded to the problem of the Monthly Labour Survey.
[JPN full-text PDF]
Papers presented
- [96z] Kansai Sociological Association , 47th Conf. in Kurasiki, 1996-05-26.
- `Higher Education and the Sexual Division of Labor:
schooling effect on women's continuous full-time employment'
[JPN full-text revised version]
- [96y] Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, 22nd Conf. in Osaka, 1996-09-21
- *`Computer-aided Text-coding: an application' (with Tarohmaru Hiroshi)
[JPN full-text]
- [96x] Japan Sociological Society, 69th Conf. in Okinawa, 1996-11-23
- *`Mathematical Approach to Occupational Segregation:
a methodological issue in understanding gender gap'
[JPN full-text]
- [97z] Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, 23rd Conf. in Tokyo, 1997-03-19
- *`Occupational Sex Segregation and Women's Continuous Full-time Employment: 1945-1995 Japan'
[JPN full-text]
- [97y] Japan Society of Family Sociology, 7th Conf. in Tokyo, 1997-07-24.
- `Changes in the Sexual Division of Labor: Marxist-feminist theory vs. rationalistic economics'
[ENG full-text translation]
- [97x] Japan Sociological Society, 70th Conf. in Chiba, 1997.11
- *`Dynamics of Segregation: what happened when women poured into white-collar occupation'
[JPN full-text]
- [00z] Kansai Suuri Syakaigaku Kenkyuukai, at Osaka Universiry, 2000-07-15.
- *`Practicable Gender-Equal Societies'
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [00x] Roudou Syakai Tyousa Bunken Kenkyuukai, at Japan Institute of Labour, 2000-11-17.
- *`Work-Family Choices of Men and Women: three lifestyles for gender-equal society'
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [01z] Society for the Study of Social Policy, 103rd Conf. in Sendai, 2001-10-20.
- Escape from the Gender Stratification System.
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [02z] Japan Society of Family Sociology, 12th Conf. in Koganei, 2002-09-21.
- * Spacial Differences in the Tendency of Invalid Answers.
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [03z] ISA/RC28, Tokyo Meeting, 2003-03-04.
- Principal Earner and Accommodator in Household.
[ENG full-text PDF]
- [04z] International Federation for Home Economics, 20th World Conf. in Kyoto, 2004-08-06.
- Risky Investment: theorizing housekeepers' disadvantageous human capital accumulation
[ENG full-text PDF]
- [06z] International Association for Feminist Economics, Annual Conf. in Sydney, 2006-07-08.
- The Scope of Altruism: patriarchy and the modern family under Japanese law and norms
[ENG full-text/slides PDF]
- [07z] East Asian Social Policy Research Network, 4th Conf. in Tokyo, 2007-10-20.
- Against Intra-Household Exploitation: philosophy and policy for equity within the family in Japanese context
[ENG full-text PDF]
- [09z] Tohoku Univ. GCOE, International Seminar in Sendai, 2009-08-04.
- Family Creating Inequality: a quantitative analysis of gender gap in post-divorce life
[ENG full-text/slides PDF]
- [09y] Tohoku Univ. GCOE, 11th Monthly Seminar in Sendai, 2009-09-09.
- The Micro-Macro Linkage for Distributive Justice: women's economic disadvantage as an illustrative case
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [10z] Japan Society of Family Sociology, 20th Conf. in Tokyo, 2010-09-12.
- Gender Gap in Equivalent Household Income for Those Who Have Experienced Divorce: a quantitative analysis using NFRJ98, NFRJ03, and NFRJ08
[JPN Full-text/slides PDF] [ENG Abstract PDF]
- [11z] Tohoku Univ. GCOE, 23rd Monthly Seminar in Sendai, 2011-02-16.
- The Family, Marriage, and Gender Inequality: quantitative analysis of economic situation after divorce
[ENG full-text/slides PDF]
- [11x] ISA/RC06 Kyoto Seminar, 2011-09-12.
- A Quantitative Analysis of the Economic Situation of Those Who Have Undergone Divorce.
[ENG full-text/slides PDF]
- [13z] Sendai Gender Equal Opportunity Foundation, a symposium on invisible poverty of women, in Sendai, 2013-03-23.
- * [Results of secondary analysis of Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions 2007]
[JPN full-text/slides PDF]
- [15z] Quattro Seminars, Tohoku Univ., in Sendai, 2014-01-14.
- * [Public sociology and social indicators]
[JPN slides PDF]
- [15y] Japan Society of Family Sociology, 25th Conf. in Ibaraki, 2015-09-06.
- What Will We Witness When We Seriously Try to Boost Fertility?: normative constraints against universal child benefits.
[ENG slides PDF]
- [15x] Japan Sociological Society, 88th Conf. in Tokyo, 2015-09-20.
- Maintaining Diversity in Policy-Oriented Research: alternatives of work-life balance measures for gender equality in Japan.
[ENG poster PDF]
- [15v] Symposium on ethics and accountability of academics (Tokyo), 2015-11-30.
- * [On the “Starting Families” survey].
[JPN full-text/slides PDF]
- [15w] Symposium on ethics and accountability of academics (Tokyo), 2015-11-30.
- * [Questions to Yoshimura Yasunori and nine academic associations misusing falsified charts].
[JPN full-text/slides PDF]
- [16z] Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, 61st Conf. in Tokyo, 2016-03-17.
- * [Abusive use of cross-national surveys and public opinion: International Fertility Decision-making Survey and population policy of Japan].
[JPN abstract/handout/slides PDF]
- [16y] Symposium on population policy, medicine, and gender: a society with the social problem of "ovarian aging" (Tokyo), 2016-06-18.
- * [What was visualised with a falsified fecundability chart in a high-school side-reader].
[JPN handout/slides/outline PDF]
- [16x] International Sociological Association, 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology (Vienna), 2016-07-11.
- Dynamics of Ideology and Institution: probable scenarios for changes in beliefs about gender and family in Japan.
[ENG abstract/handout/slides PDF]
- [16w] Japan Society of Family Sociology, 26th Conf. in Tokyo, 2016-09-11.
- * [Unscientific charts used in obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive medicine]
[JPN abstract/slides PDF]
- [17z] Symposium on problems of the current pronatal policy of Japan, in Tokyo, 2017-06-03.
- * [Making of the egg aging discourse].
[JPN outline HTML / JPN slides PDF]
- [17y] Symposium "The Impact of the Humanities and Social Sciences: Discussing Germany and Japan", in Tokyo, 2017-11-14.
- Locating Family in the Gender Equality Politics: a focus on economic situation after divorce in Japan
[ENG abstract/slides PDF]
- [18z] Contemporary Japan Speaker Series (London), 2018-01-25.
- Gender Inequality and Family-Related Risks: from the perspective of law and ideology
[ENG abstract/slides PDF]
- [18y] Seminar in Tokyo, 2018-04-01.
- * [What local governments say in their "life planning" books].
[JPN outline HTML / JPN slides PDF]
- [18x] International Sociological Association, XIX World Congress of Sociology (Toronto), 2018-07-16.
- Hijacking the Policy-Making Process: political effects of the International Fertility Decision-Making Study for 2010s' Japan (Distributed paper).
[ENG full-text PDF]
- [18w] International Sociological Association, XIX World Congress of Sociology (Toronto), 2018-07-17.
- Fake Information for the 'Egg Aging' Propaganda: the role of experts and journalists in its emergence, authorization, and radicalization (Oral presentation).
[ENG abstract/slides PDF]
- [18v] Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies, 17th Conf. in Tokyo, 2018-12-08.
- * [Changes in discourses around the low fertility].
[JPN abstract/slides PDF]
- [19z] Seminar in Tokyo, 2019-03-24.
- * [Japanese view about below-replacement-level fertility: its emergence and change since 1974].
- [19y] Japan Society of Family Sociology, 29th Conf. in Kobe, 2019-09-14.
- * Policymaking based on original research: What will EBPM bring about? .
[JPN abstract/slides PDF]
- [19x] RC06-VSA International Conference (HaNoi), 2019-10-18.
- Political vocabularies and localized discourses on demographic transition: the emergence of the "syousika" problem in 1980s Japan.
[ENG abstract/slides PDF]
- [20z] Seminar in Tokyo, 2020-02-02.
- * [Message against Ehime Prefecture: facts, problems and responses from the prefecture office] (with NISHIYAMA Chieko).
- [21z] Kansai Sociological Association , 72nd Conf. (online), 2021-06-05.
- * [What is the "cluster-based approach"?: miscommunication in Japan's response to COVID-19].
[JPN abstract/slides PDF]
- [21y] Lecuture series of Center for Women's Studies, Osaka Prefecture University (online), 2021-10-23.
- * [Marriage, divorce, and gender gap].
[JPN abstract/slides PDF]
- [21x] Japanese Studies Workshop, 7th meeting (online), 2021-12-05.
- * [Body, market, and feminism in the 21st century Japan: on Hashisako Mizuho's Ninsin, syussan wo meguru supirityuarithî].
[JPN handout PDF]
- [22z] NFRJ18 workshop, 2rd meeting (online), 2022-02-20.
- * [Economic gender gaps in post-divorce life: determinants and trends].
[JPN slides PDF]
- [22y] Japan Association for Social Policy Studies, 144th Conf. (online), 2022-05-14.
- The government and experts on the scandal about the Monthly Labour Survey of Japan: absence of data-based criticism.
[JPN full-text PDF]
- [22x] Kansai Sociological Association , 73th Conf. (online), 2022-05-29.
- * [The number of patients as administrative records and how to interpret them: the changing meaning of "cluster" in Japan's COVID-19 response].
[JPN abstract/handout/slides PDF]
- [25z] Japanese Studies Workshop, 6th Conf. (Sendai), 2025-03-16.
- * [Revisiting facts from a few years ago: fictiousness of Japan's ``cluster-based approach'' toward COVID-19].
[JPN full-text/slides PDF]
In preparation
Edited books
Miscellaneous writings
- [99c] Oosaka Daigaku Zyouhou Syori Kyouiku Sentâ Kouhou 16 (1999)
- Mi no Take ni Atta Repôto o
- [00d] Bulletin of the Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University 26: 159-176 (2000)
- * Bumping Road to the Official Web Page of the Faculty of Human Sciences
(with Harada Akira + Miura Asako + Nishibata Ritsuko + Shinohara Kazumitsu + Hirai Kei)
- [04e] News Letter (Tohoku Univ. GCOE Program) 5: 9 (2004)
- * [Report of the Survey in Norway and Finland]
[JPN Full-text]
- [05c] The Handbook of the Humanity and Social Sciences (Tohoku Univ. Press), pp. 74-80 (2005)
- [How to Write a Term Paper]
- [14c] Blog article (2014)
- * [To make conferences visible on the Web]
- [15a] Blog article (2015)
- * [Process of data-laundering around the likelihood of conception]
- [15b] Blog article (2015)
- Pushing a falsified chart into high-school education material
- [15c] Blog article (2015)
- * [Differences in the age-fecundability curves among papers]
- [15d] PDF document (2015)
- * [Misuse of a falsified chart about the likelihood of conception by nine academic societies in Japan]
- [15e] ISA RC32 (Women in Society) Newsletter No. 2, pp. 9-10 (2015-09)
- Misuse of a falsified chart about the likelihood of conception in high-school education material in Japan
- [15i] Blog article (2015)
- The Authorized Statistics on Women's Age-Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR) in Japan
- [16h] Blog article (2016)
- * [The term "sex differences" found in the text of Basic Plans for Gender Equality, 1st to 4th (2000-2015, Japan)]
- [16i] Blog article (2016)
- * [Works citing Bendel and Hua (1978)]
- [16j] Blog article (2016)
- * [Examining the validity of a chart about the likelihood of conception in high-school education material in Japan: review of demographic literature]
- [16m] Blog article (2016)
- * [A trimmed age-fertility chart on the website of Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine]
- [16n] Blog article (2016)
- * [Partial transcript from a Youtube movie about pregnancy and infertility, by the Ministry of Health, Education, Labour and Welfare, Japan
- [16o] Synodos 2016.06.01 (2016)
- * [The myth of Japanese's low literacy about pregnancy: a new phase in the problem of misused social survey].
- [16p] Contemporary Sociological Studies 29: 67-69. (June 2016)
- * Impressions of Higashikawa Town excursion
- [16q] Manabi no Mori (Tohoku University's pamphlet) 77: 2 (2016)
- Scientific literacy in schools: Lessons from a scandal about the 2015 health education material in Japan
[JPN manuscritpt / ENG translati]
- [16r] Blog article (2016)
- * Age-specific marital fertility rates of Hutterites (Sheps 1965)
- [16s] eLetter to the Editor of Human Reproduction (not accepted) (2016)
- Misinformation with a low-quality international multilingual survey
- [16t] Blog article (2016)
- * Probrem of "New Femininity Test"
- [16u] messy. 2016.11.21 (2016)
- * [I LADY. "New Femininity Test" and pseudo-medicine: Background of the JOICFP-Dentsu movie
- [17g] Blog article (2017)
- * What is "evidence" for obstetricians and gynecologists
- [17h] Blog article (2017)
- * Japanese Association of Medical Sciences 1974 Symposium
- [17i] Japanese Journal of Family Sociology 29: 97-98 (Apr. 2017)
- * Book review: Fukuda N. (2016) Marriage and fertility behaviour in Japan, Springer
- [17j] Blog article (2017)
- * Ethics of using online texts: on the JSR style guide (2nd ed.) Paragraph 3.8.2
- [17m] Preprint (2017)
- The origin of a chart indicating the likelihood of conception linearly declining with age: a literature survey
- [17n] English tranlation of a Japanese article (2017)
- Professional Responsibility for Spreading Unscientific Knowledge: the case of the 'ease of conception' graph in a supplementary high school textbook
- [17p] Blog article (2017)
- * Womens Health Literacy Association
- [18g] Blog article (2018)
- * Fake news on poverty and children's academic performance
- [18h] Blog article (2018)
- * [Suspicion about the 2013 survey on work hours and working conditions conducted by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
- [18i] Blog article (2018)
- * [The discretionary work system and long hourking hours]
- [18j] Blog article (2018)
- * [Information about the 1995-2013 surveys on work hours and working conditions conducted by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
- [18m] Blog article (2018)
- * [A systematic error suspected about the 2013 survey on work hours and working conditions conducted by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
- [18n] Blog article (2018)
- * ["Life planning" books published by prefectures]
- [18p] Blog article (2018)
- * [Doubled cases in the data of the 2013 survey on work hours and working conditions conducted by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare]
- [18k] Project “Unscientific Knowledge and the Egg Aging Panic” Research Report I (2018)
- Unscientific Visual Representations Used for the “Egg Aging” Campaign in 2010s Japan
- [18l] Project “Unscientific Knowledge and the Egg Aging Panic” Research Report II (2018)
- * [Unscientific Visual Representations Used for the “Egg Aging” Campaign in 2010s Japan]
- [19f] Blog article (2019)
- * [How the parameters are estimated for the Monthly Labour Survey]
- [19g] PDF document (2019)
- * [Human rights violation against research participants in an MHLW-funded project in 2012]
- [19h] Blog article (2019)
- * [Updates about the scandal of the Monthly Labour Survey]
- [19i] Blog article (2019)
- * [Discarded sample: an analysis of the 2001-2003 sampling errors for the Monthly Labour Survey]
- [19j] wezzy 2019.02.07 (2019)
- * [Monthly Labour Survey Falsification since at Least the 1990s: How the Japanese society indulges in data falsification]
- [19m] Preprint (2019)
- Monthly Labour Survey Misconduct since at Least the 1990s: falsified statistics in Japan
- [19n] Blog article (2019)
- What is wrong with the Japan Statistical Society's report on the problem of govermental statistics? (1): misunderstanding of information about the size of populations]
- [19p] Blog article (2019)
- * [Problems of document managemant by the Japan Statistical Society]
- [19q] Blog article (2019)
- * [What is wrong with the Japan Statistical Society's report on the problem of govermental statistics? (2): changes of the benchmarks]
- [19r] Blog article (2019)
- * [What is wrong with the Japan Statistical Society's report on the problem of govermental statistics? (3): problem of the change of definition of regular employees]
- [19s] Blog article (2019)
- * [The figures for the relative error of the Monthly Labour Surveys were almost identical every year between 1994 and 2001]
- [20f] Blog article (2020)
- * [The truth of Japan's COVID-19 response: (1): What did Nishiura et al (2020) say?]
- [20g] Blog article (2020)
- * [The truth of Japan's COVID-19 response (2): manipulation of information by experts
- [20h] Blog article (2020)
- * [The truth of Japan's COVID-19 response (3): how experts exaggerated figures]
- [20j] Blog article (2020)
- * [The outcome of Japan's cluster-based strategy]
- [20m] KAKENHI result report (2020)
- Unscientific Knowledge and the "Egg Aging" Panic: Final Report
- [20n] Blog article (2020)
- * [Statistcs and discourses in contemporary societies: around the Japanse term "syousika"]
- [20p] Blog article (2020)
- * [The truth of Japan's COVID-19 response (4): the answer]
- [20q] Blog article (2020)
- * [History revised by the media and experts: was the outbreak in April due to returnees?]
- [20r] Blog article (2020)
- * [Open letter on an artilce of Nikkei newspaper]
- [20s] Blog article (2020)
- * [History revised by the media and experts (2): the comment "ther has been no report of infection in an airplane" by Omi Shigeru]
- [20t] Blog article (2020)
- * [Various definitions of cluster]
- [21f] Blog article (2021)
- * [Cluster vs. cluster]
- [21g] Blog article (2021)
- * [Is the classification of cluster arbitrary?: manipulated figures used in the 12th and 19th expert panel meetings]
- [21h] Blog article (2021)
- * ["Cluster" means infections with two or more cases, according to the Government of Japan]
- [21i] Blog article (2021)
- * [Evaluaton of the "cluster-based strategy" based on data]
- [21j] Blog article (2021)
- * [The difference of the second and third waves: a focus on the size of clusters]
- [21m] Blog article (2021)
- * [Who did overlook the forests?: Reality of contact tracing]
- [21n] Blog article (2021)
- * [A strange discourse on the institution of "ie" (Japanese traditional family system)]
- [23g] Preprint (2023)
- Was Japan's cluster-based approach toward coronavirus disease (COVID-19) a fantasy?: Re-examining the clusters' data of January-March 2020
- [23k] Japan Society of Family Sociology. Encyclopedia of family sociology. Maruzen. pp.146-147 (Dec. 2023)
- * [Use of official statistics]
Conferences (organized or participated)
- QAD: Question-Answer Description Schema
/ Documents
- Dredu: Data Reduction System: Perl modules to analyze SSM(1985,1995,2005) and NFRJ(98,03,08,Panel) datasets, etc.
- * Autocode: an automatic text-coding script for Japanized GNU awk
- Perl scripts for analysing occupational histories
- SSM Occupational Categories
- Bibliography on sexual division of labor
- ReMCat: Research Material Catalogue
/ New 100 Files
/ Search
- The Authorized Statistics on Women's Age-Specific Fertility Rate in Japan, 1920- (Explanations and links to the reports on Journal of Population Problem, each year)
- * The term "sex differences" found in the text of Basic Plans for Gender Equality, 1st to 4th (2000-2015, Japan)
- * Works citing Bendel and Hua (1978) "An estimate of the natural fecundability ratio curve"
- * International Fertility Decision-making Study (IFDMS)
- * Falsified charts of “the likelihood of pregnancy” used by Yoshimura Yasunori
- * Books on "egg aging" (ransi no rouka)
- * "Life planning" books published by prefectures
- * [History of Ooba Nanako's "Mothers' Energy" graphical representation and problems of maternity nursing] (Twitter moment)
- * Subset of the data of the 2013 survey on work hours and working conditions conducted by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
- * Information about the 1995-2013 surveys on working hours conducted by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
- Literature review on the 1986-2013 surveys on working hours conducted by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
- * Literature review on discretionary work system
- * Sampling rate and errors of the Monthly Labour Survey
- * [How the parameters are estimated for the Monthly Labour Survey]
- * [Updates about the scandal of the Monthly Labour Survey]
- The Japan model for COVID-19 response
- * Documents on the "three Cs"
- * Research primer for Tohoku University students
- What's new on School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University: feeds (RSS etc.) updator for and related sites
- Sociology conferences, publications, and announces in Japan: feeds (RSS etc.) updator
- International Sociological Association feeds (RSS etc.) updator for ISA (and RCs) information
- National Sociologies: conferences, publications, and announces feeds (RSS etc.) updator for sociology worldwide